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This is the logo for the St. Cecilia International Vocal and Instrumental Music Competition. The background is white, and the writing is black. The writing at the top of the logo, written in a rainbow-like arc, reads, 'St. Cecilia IVIMC'. The writing at the bottom of the logo, written in a straight line, reads, 'Amor in lyra et in cantu vivit'. The central image depicts a black silhouette of a female profile, with long flowing hair. The flowing hair includes five long, wavy strands (plus one, much shorter strand at the bottom), resembling music staves, dancing in the wind. In her hair are blue, green, pink and black quavers and semi-quaveres, also dancing, getting smaller as they grow further away from the  face.

N. B.


Please, keep the page open after submitting the application form, as you will receive payment instructions post-submission. If you encounter any problems, please, email . Many thanks.

This is a piano vocal score. It is a thick score, lying open on a flat surface. The background of the image is black, and most of the photo has had a blur affect applied to it, with only a few notes properly made visible. This gives a somewhat mysterious and creative feel. The pages are a crisp, fresh white, and the score looks new – as if the first time it has been opened is for this photo. The notes are a deep, rich black, as if fresh off the printer.

Thank you for submitting your application!




If you wish to pay by card, please, visit the Application Payment page. To pay by bank transfer, please, use the details below:


Transfer the application fee using YOUR NAME as the payment reference, as you've written it on the application form, into the following account:



ACCOUNT NO.: 26497174

SORT CODE: 60-11-11


IBAN: GB07NWBK60111126497174​​


Please, email us if you require additional information.


A reminder that all transfer fee costs - including any international bank transfer fees - remain the applicant's responsibility alone.​


To minimise international bank transfer fees for those outside of the United Kingdom, we recommend creating a free account with Wise (you do not have to use the free debit card), using our referral link here, specifically set up to help our applicants. This is by no means compulsory but offers a way to reduce potential costs, should the applicant wish it.




After applying, please, email us with proof of payment, otherwise your application will not be accepted.​ If you have done this and not received a confirmation email within five working days, please, contact us: It is the applicant's responsibility alone to confirm that we have successfully received their application form.


We wish you all the best for your competition entry and career!

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